Agenda: Audimax

Agenda for room audimax. Audimax is located at the ground floor. This is the main room with the stage.

Sessions by developers. For developers.

Recording: Audimax

08:45 - 08:50

08:50 - 09:00


Audimax10 minutes Language: EN
Welcome to ABAPConf Europe 2024

09:00 - 10:00


Audimax60 minutes Language: EN
First keynote by the ABAPConf orga team.
Second keynote by Boris Gebhardt from SAP.

09:00 - 09:15

Keynote: Best practices

Audimax15 minutes Language: EN
Best practices are the result of lessons learned obtained by making decisions. From the many choices available, the right decisions can have great impact on the life of SAP developers.

This session will show the SAP Development Tech Radar as a solution to apply best practices in SAP projects.

ABAPConf orga

09:15 - 10:00

Keynote: ABAP Cloud – Best practices for a clean core strategy

Audimax45 minutes Language: EN
ABAP Cloud paves the way towards extensibility for SAP S/4HANA Cloud and SAP S/4HANA using a clean core approach. ABAP Cloud is based on public APIs avoiding upgrade efforts.

The session will show the path how to transition step-by-step to the future proof ABAP Cloud development model.

10:00 - 10:15

Small Break

15 minutes
Sessions in Audimax, W1&W2 and W3 start.

10:15 - 11:00

Successful Custom Code Adaptation for S/4HANA

Audimax45 minutes Language: EN
S/4HANA migration is hot topic with upcoming SAP deadline, many companies are struggling with on-going migration process and many still does not know how to handle it. One of the big parts of the migration is custom code adaptation (CCA) to make sure the custom code created through years, is aligned with the database and SAP code changes.

There are of course many ways to run the CCA process, but I want to share the way and the tools used during the successful CCA for S/4HANA migration in Hager Group. I will explain the approach we took for the test conversions, dual maintenance and decommissioning. I will lead you through the tools used by us, from SCMON, through ATC, CCA Fiori app, Eclipse ADT, abapGit, Azure DevOps and yes, Excel.

As a result you will be able to understand, if the way we’ve done it in Hager Group may be helpful in your migration projects and which tools can be helpful to have a successful Custom Code Adaptation for S/4.

11:00 - 11:15


11:15 - 12:00

Developing with ABAP Cloud in Clean Core Style

Audimax45 minutes Language: EN
Everybody is talking about Clean Core but there is not much practical experience what this means for the daily work of a developer. In this session Ingo and Thomas will show you how you can use the ABAP Cloud development model to program custom ABAP code that is compliant with the clean core principle. You will see how you can effectively use the released ABAP Cloud APIs and the ABAP development tools for Eclipse in order to make your custom code clean and upgrade stable.

12:00 - 12:15


12:15 - 13:00


Canteen45 minutes
Lunch is included in your registration. Please keep your attendee badge ready.
You have two options: vegan or meat. You can pick any of both waiting lines. Please pick first salad, then lunch, and finally drinks.

13:00 - 13:45

Steampunk bei der Bahn: Welche Erfahrungen haben wir gemacht?

Audimax45 minutes Sprache: DE
Letztes Jahr haben wir bei der DB Systel einen Proof of Concept zum Thema "BTP ABAP Environment" oder auch einfach "Steampunk" durchgeführt. Dabei ging es vor allem darum im Rahmen einer komplexen S/4HANA Migration einen parallelen Weg beschreiten zu können, der leichtgewichtig die Neuentwicklungen unter der neusten ABAP Plattform ermöglicht. In dem Vortrag geht es darum Wunsch und Wirklichkeit zu erläutern und unsere Erfahrungen darzulegen. Vieles unterschätzt man, vieles bedenkt man gar nicht und vielleicht ist ja der Anwendungsfall gar nicht der Richtige?

13:45 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:45

Clean Core & ABAP Cloud - Bericht aus der Praxis

Audimax45 minutes Sprache: DE
Was ist hinter den Marketingworten "Clean Core" in Projekten die Realität?

In diesem Vortrag stellen wir vor, was in Projekten funktioniert hat, was vielleicht weniger erfolgreich war und wie man aus verschiedenen Ausgangssituationen (Greenfield oder Brownfield? Starker Cloud-Fokus oder nicht? etc.) einen Weg finden kann um ein SAP-System möglichst "clean" zu halten.

Lukas Bretschneider und Lukas Käser arbeiten beide als Berater bei SAP rund um das Thema Extensibility und sind in vielen Projekten rund um den "Hype" zu Clean Core aktiv.

14:45 - 15:00


15:00 - 15:45

Keynote: ABAP Cloud in action – Latest features and capabilities

Audimax45 minutes Language: EN
The ABAP Cloud development model supports the ABAP developer to build applications, extensions and services for the cloud. New ABAP Cloud apps can be automatically generated using Generative AI capabilities embedded into the ABAP Development Tools for Eclipse. The generated apps have built-in ABAP Cloud qualities such as end-to-end extensibility for side-by-side and on-stack extension scenarios.

The session will show how to integrate business events and expose the underlying data model for Enterprise Search and Analytics use cases.

15:45 - 16:15

Coffee Break

Canteen and Foyer30 minutes

16:15 - 17:00

Dieser Mann schrieb alles auf, was er wusste und was dann geschah, wirst du nicht glauben

Audimax 45 minutes Sprache: DE
Eine kurze Geschichte über den Tricktresor, meine Erfahrungen mit Wissensvermittlung, Wissensdatenbanken, Lernen und Code-Dojos. Gewürzt mit ein paar pseudowissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen, Anekdoten und merkwürdigen persönlichen Ansichten.

17:00 - 17:15


17:15 - 18:00

KI für ABAP - Vorstellung Open Source Projekt

Audimax45 minutes Sprache: DE
Im Vortrag stelle ich mein neues abapGit Open Source Projekt vor und zeige, wie man mit ABAP und sogar ohne Cloud KI machen kann.

18:15 - 18:30

Closing Keynote

Audimax45 minutes Language: EN
Looking back at ABAPConf Europe 2024 and a sneak preview of ABAPConf 2024 in December.